Dr. Sreedhar Krishna
Co-founder | Dr.Dropin Skindoc – Dermatologist | Dr.Dropin UKMBBS, Cert Math, BSc (Hons.), PG Cert HRes, PG Cert Bioinf, PGDip MedEd, MA, MPhil, MClinRes, MSc, MRCP (Derm), FHEA
Dr Sreedhar Krishna is an NHS Consultant Dermatologist working in South London. He studied at Oxford University, Cambridge University and Imperial College London during which he was awarded seven national prizes for his contribution towards Dermatology and academia.
He has published research in numerous specialist journals and presents cutting-edge research on an international level. He has an established interest in General Dermatology (including acne), Cellular Dermatology and Dermatopathology. He is registered with the General Medical Council, Royal College of Physicians, and a member of the British Association of Dermatologists.